What are the best books for anyone starting out in web development[today].
What are the best books for anyone starting out in web development?

Welcome back to this article, which covers the best books for anyone starting out in web development, but before discussing these books, it's good to give a reason why you should read them.
Although there are many good books online, I will explain why I have recommended these books so that you can use these books in your web development journey.

The main reason why I like to use these books to date as a reference is, I came across books that were not particularly challenging as the language, content layout, examples, exercises and various suggestions presented there focused on the realities of web development, here I will describe each book as follows:
Remember, there are many ways to learn web development online such as using videos, websites, blogs, and asking questions in forums. But these methods will be more fun especially if you already have good foundations.
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites 1st Edition
by Jon Duckett.
This book contains many details and illustrations in a way that requires no further details outside of this book. since there are many examples in the form of an image that can show you what will happen if you write a line of code thus speeding up the reading as well.
It starts with describing HTML as a language used for organizing web page content and describes CSS as a stylesheet language for decorating a web page, not forgetting how to do web development on PC and MAC.
You can find it here
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites 1st Edition by Jon Duckett

Eloquent JavaScript 3rd edition by Marijn Haverbeke
When it comes to web development, the most important thing to know aside from HTML and CSS is Javascript, since it has many features that almost all modern websites use and enhance the user experience, but you can't use those features in the web you create if you are not familiar with Javascript. Examples of these features include slider, pop up box, form validation, menu, etc.
If you read this book you will understand many things about web development since it starts with explaining the basics of Javascript and then concludes the document object model which is the key component used by Javascript to run your web page,.
You can find it here
Eloquent JavaScript 3rd edition by Marijn Haverbeke

jQuery in Action 3rd edition
Using Vanilla Javascript for web development, it can be much more difficult than using Javascript libraries that make web development faster than normal, and one of the most widely used Javascript libraries in web development is Jquery library.
To understand this library, you must have Javascript basics and then read this book that best describes Jquery with many examples, and its learning curve is good.
You can find it here
jQuery in Action 3rd edition

You can read another article here
How to start with bootstrap, the best key points